
Tennis Forza e Costanza

Brescia, Italy

Forza e Costanza Sport Center, situated in Brescia, commissioned us the substitution of the “traditional” lighting fittings with the new LED products, especially developped by us for the applications in sport facilities.

LocationBrescia, Italy

Before this substitution, the playgrounds lighting consumptions were more than 5000Wh, and the average lighting levels were not satisfying for the application during sport activities: the obsolence of the lamps guaranteed a value of 200 Lux on the ground, which is a value quite some inferior than the Italian Tennis Association standard requirements for indoor competitions.
Considering the demand to both reduce the power consumptions and improve the lighting values on the ground, Lanzini selected the model Q2 in 170W configuration, asymmetric lens, which allow us to reach a consumption of only 2040 Wh and a value of 400 Lux. 
In Tennis, considering serves up to 100 Km/h and extremely quick actions, light quality and visual comfort are essential; hence the choice to use Q2 model. It allows us to obtain an excellent uniformity with a reduced glare and a high efficient lighting.

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