
Scandone swimming pool

Naples (IT)

“When I visited the Scandone’s swimming pool, my eyes brightened up”

(Cit. from Massimiliano Rosolino, from the article by Fabrizio Napoli for

LocationNaples (IT)

The Felice Scandone’s swimming pool, nominated after the Neapolitan sport journalist, was built by the Municipality for the IV Mediterranean Games, organized in 1963 and it’s the first structure for swimming and water polo of the city of Naples. During the XXX Universiade (on the 3th to the 14th of July 2019), the complex has been interested by a total restyling, which meant even the complete renovation of the electrical system constituted by old metal halide devices. The project realized by Lanzini has been chosen by the committee and preferred to other proposals, due to the best lightning result: 180 floodlights R2 DALI of 200W with asymmetrical lens 55° granted the average value of 1500 lux on water level and the flicker-free requested to let the competitions take place and even for the HD tv shooting.

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